Apr 26, 2010


Norooz is Persian New Year. Norooz is one of the Iranian traditional which

is very important to all the Persian’s, no matter where they are, moreover

Norooz is on the beginning of the spring, because Iranian’s believe

that with spring the good things , warmness , happiness come to them like

tree’s ,and flower’s ,when spring comes it gives them a life back .that’s

why Persian’s Celebrate Norooz on spring to have good things, warmness,

happiness for their family’s.

I know you may have this question on your head. What is Norooz mean?

Why we call that Norooz? Norooz is including (( No+ rooz )) NO mean

is new and Rooz means day, so it means Norooz is a new day, new start.

In Iranian history Iranian has been celebrating this holiday from, when

Hakhamaneshian kings they were in Iran. It also shows in Zoroaster book

people has been believing ,and celebrating this holiday from a long

time ago.

Moreover,one of the days which is very important to Iranian’s

is chahar shanbeh sore .

chahar shanbeh sore is the last Wednesday of the year which

Iranian celebrate that from when they became Zoroaster , because in the

Zoroaster book they believe that every year is including 365 days with

12 mount,and each mount are 30 days , and on the end the last five days

of the year are not part of the mount that’s why they call that pancheh

( means five) ,and every 4 year ones a year weeks are going to be 6 days

;however, sometimes for weeks they haven’t have Wednesdays .

Iranians use to light fire on that last 5 days of the year,Because

they believe on that night with making fire we are making the light for

There family how are died, and with making light they will be able to find

their homes ,and there family , and they will be together before new year

,which means they never forget each other .

In addition , after all these is haft sin turn ,which is Iranian new

year table,it is including 7 tings which the name of them are starting with

( S ) so haft is seven in Persian language and sin is (s) .

Sabzeh :wheat, barley, lentil sprouts growing in a dish - symbolizing rebirth

Sib : apples - symbolizing beauty and health

Sir : garlic - symbolizing medicine

Samanu : sweet pudding made from wheat germ - symbolizing affluence

Senjed : dried oleaster fruit - symbolizing love

Somaq : sumac fruit - symbolizing (the color of) sunrise

Serkeh : vinegar - symbolizing old-age and patience

Beside these stuff Iranian they have some other things which they have on

the new year table with haft sin ,which are for decorated the table like:

Sekkeh : coins - symbolizing prosperity

Tokhme morgh : Decorated eggs, sometimes one for each member of the family symbolizing fertility

Mahe ghermez ( Fish )

Sonbol : the fragrant hyacinth flower - symbolizing the coming of spring

On the end we have sizdah bedar which is the last day of the New

Year. sizdah mean is 13 bedar is taking away . Usually on the sizdah bedar

day all the people are going out of home , to park , to take away the

badness from them and live that outside of home ,also they believe that if

you tide the sabzeh and make wish your wish is going to go throw .

these are my knowledge about Persian new year ( haft sin ) , but

what is still supersized me it was that even do a lot of Persian are all

over the world beside Iran but still they are following what they have to do

for their background of their country .

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